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Correction d'un texte en anglais

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Correction d'un texte en anglais
lundi 7 mai 2012 18:50:34
Bonjour, étant donné qu je ne suis pas très forte en anglais voir pas du tout, j'aimerai que quelqu'un me corrige ma rédaction en anglais. Merci d'avance..

At the moment, I look for a collocation wiht someone that's why I write you. Indeed I have find your advertisement and I will be interested in your offer.
First I introduce myself so you can better choose if you want or not to life together. Me name is ****, I'm from France and I come in London for six months. I think that I can share a flat because I'm someone who is serious, pleasant, very organized. Futhermore I'm open-minded. I think that a roomshare can to adapt more quickly daily. Then we can share moment such as the lunch.
If I come in London it's because I want to know a new experience. But also I want to improve the language so as to I will enrich my knowledge because English is a important language. I'm single so the collocation avoids the solitude. I have choose to use the way of living because of it's really economic therefore I can save.
The price is 200$ per month not includind bill. It's that ? But how must does the bills approximately cost ? I find the flat very nice and enough big. Moreover there is a balcony with a great view. I have still matter. Can we invite people in the flat ? Can we have animals ?
the bills approximately ? I find the flat very nice and enough big. Moreover there is a balcony with a great view. I have still matter. Can we invite people in the flat ? Can we have animals ? Are the food share ?
I hope that you answer quickly and positively.

Voilà le texte ..

Modifié 1 fois. Dernière modification le 08/05/12 10:05 par JRB.
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Re: Correction d'un texte en anglais
mardi 8 mai 2012 11:46:31

Une fois n’est pas coutume, j’ai choisi la solution de facilité en réécrivant ton texte plutôt que d’en faire la correction. J'espère que tu n'y verras pas d'inconvénient. ;)

As I am presently looking for a flatmate, I have come across your advertisement and I am interested in your offer.
First, let me introduce myself so you can better choose if you wish we could both share the flat or not. My name is ****, I'm from France and I will stay in London for six months. I think that I can share a flat because I'm a serious, pleasant, very well organized person. Furthermore, I'm open-minded. I think that sharing a flat can help people adapt themselves more quickly to the daily routine. We can also share such relaxing and entertaining moments as meals.
If I come in London it's because I want to acquire a new experience. But I also want to improve my knowledge of English because I think it is an important language. I'm single so flat-sharing would avoid solitude. I have chosen this way of life because it's really favourable, therefore I can save.
The price is 200$ per month not including bills.<Qu’entends-tu par bills ? Veux-tu dire les factures eau/gaz/électricité ? Ou bien les charges d’entretien ? Is that correct? But how much are the bills approximately? I find the flat is very nice and large enough. Moreover there is a balcony with a great view. I still have questions. Can we invite people to the flat? Can we have pets? Do we have to share food expenses?

I look forward to hearing from you and hope you’ll answer quickly and in the affirmative.

NB : Si j'ai parfois mal compris ce que tu souhaitais dire, n'hésite pas à me le faire savoir.
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Re: Correction d'un texte en anglais
mardi 8 mai 2012 12:40:10

Tout d'abord merci de votre aide. Vous avez très bien compris ce que je voulais dire, et quand je parlais de bills, je parlais bien des factures d'électricité/eau/ internet et tout ça. C'est vraiment gentil d'avoir réécris la rédaction en entier et d'avoir pris le temps de " corriger " mon sujet.

Bonne journée à vous!
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Re: Correction d'un texte en anglais
mardi 8 mai 2012 15:16:11
Avec plaisir et bonne chance pour ton futur séjour à Londres. :)
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Re: Correction d'un texte en anglais
mardi 8 mai 2012 15:53:55
Ah non, c'est une rédaction scolaire .. Ce n'est pas un vrai e-mail.
Je ne pars malheureusement pas à Londres pour de vrai :)
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