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avatar Etihad experience
dimanche 18 octobre 2009 03:00:42

Un petit message sur la longue route de mon retour de vacances en Afrique du Sud pour partager une experience avec la compagnie Etihad.
Pendant ces vacances, j ai commence (desole pas d accent sur le pc ici) la lecture du dernier livre de Jeff Jarvis : la methode google. Il s en prend aux compagnies aeriennes. A mon tour !
Etihad est une bonne compagnie tant qu il n y a pas de probleme, ensuite ca tourne a la blague. Je vais poursuivre avec mon mauvais anglais au cas ou ils liraient et leur laisser la possibilite de repondre.

I was travelling back to Paris. The flight was delayed. I am still in Abu Dhabi in fact while I m writing this post. I will arrive with 7 hours late in Paris !!! Even the SNCF has beautiful answer to such delay. Etihad has voucher for... breakfast ! It is a big joke. The service on board is pretty good. So before landing, I had already a breakfast. The place to use the voucher has bad seat... it is late, I am tired. So I tried to negociate with the lounge! no ! there is another lounge where I can pay... I don t want to pay because they are late... I am sure to have a breakfast in the next flight, so I am just spending my time on the web telling this story ! Maybe Etihad will read this, maybe not. Consider this as a custumer relationship management test and see if they have read Jeff Jarvis and follow his advises. Read the web and care of our customers.

good night.

PS : feel free to share your experience.
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avatar Re: Etihad experience
dimanche 1 novembre 2009 14:43:17

14 jours plus tard, je viens de recevoir un long mail d'excuse. So what ?

Excuses digérées et acceptées mais la compensation, je vais la refuser de ce pas :
"we would like to offer you and Mrs. Fichet as way of a goodwill gesture 3,000 Etihad guest miles to be awarded to your accounts"

La plupart de leurs cadeaux sont bien au-dessus des 3000 points donc plutôt que de me lier à leur programme client sans pouvoir en profiter, j'abandonne.

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avatar Re: Etihad experience
lundi 2 novembre 2009 12:21:45
This is the beginning of a great bargain with Etihad.

It's more and more ridiculous. Because of my previous post, they send me this : "It is my sincere hope that you will be able to put this negative experience behind you" So, instead of 3,000 EGM, I can have : "5,000 Etihad guest miles". Wow !

If you were me, what would you do ?
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Mathématiques, cours niveau terminale.
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Citations de philosophie.
Sciences de la vie et de la terre, des sujets de bac 1999.
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