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[Anglais] Oral speech concerning Navy UHF/HF Comms
mardi 13 novembre 2012 22:40:27
Hello, i need some help to check this text...
Sorry for the subject but i need to prepare an oral exam and it's one of the headline which i will be asked to talk about ...

I will deal with the new way navy will use UHF or HF communication.

UHF and HF which have both been discovered in the early nineteen twentieth and have been used during the second world war.

Basically these both transceivers have evolved. They followed the same path of computer innovation. Vacuum tube have been over ridden by semi-conductors also over ridden by microchip and as a result microprocessors were born.

The have become more reliable, sensitive and a little more powerful. Some rules have been created like Radio check procedure to active a channel and the international phonetic alphabet is the perfect tool to ensure readability of all kind of transmission.

HF devices also need skilled radioman to allow a perfect link establishment. It was really hard to fight against ionospheric issues and background noises.

In spite of this major problem, HF and UHF are still the backbone of Navy communication. However new technologies and research are going to improve these mediums.

These two huge improvements are ALE and ARQ. They are only new way to use UHF or HF mediums.

First ALE, automatic link establishment protocol was created to quickly linked many warships using a list of preset frequency. The good parameters will be selected in accordance with atmospherics condition and background noises. Speed will also be chosen to ensure a strong connection between the contributor. This method has largely replaced HF predictions charts.

Next ARQ, automatic response requesting protocol take in charge to transmit as soon as possible all the data to their destination and ensure the integrity of information.

Finally when the network is set up, it can support not only data like Emails or pictures, but also secured voice transmission.

This is the state of the art for a navy task force at sea which want to share tactical data easily.

As you know, we need to perfectly master all kind of operational data exchange to master the battlefield.

N'hésitez pas si vous avez des questions, ou si je me suis mal exprimé.
Merci pour votre aide !
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Re: [Anglais] Oral speech concerning Navy UHF/HF Comms
mercredi 14 novembre 2012 15:28:48

I will'm going to deal with the new way the navy will use UHF or HF communication. <J'imagine que tu vas parler de la Marine française, ce qui constitue une détermination. Par conséquent l'article défini est nécessaire

UHF and HF which have both been discovered in the early 1920s > Se prononce donc nineteen twenties and have been used during the second world war. <Les années 1920 = the 1920s,

Basically both these transceivers have evolved. They followed the same path of computer innovation. Vacuum tube have been overridden by semi-conductors also overridden by microchip and as a result microprocessors were born.

They have become more reliable, sensitive and a little more powerful. Some rules have been created like Radio check procedure to activate a channel and the international phonetic alphabet is the perfect tool to ensure readability of all kinds of transmission.

HF devices also need skilled radioman to allow a perfect link establishment. It was really hard to fight against ionospheric issues and background noises.

In spite of this major problem, HF and UHF are still the backbone of Navy communication. However new technologies and research are going to improve these mediums.

These two huge improvements are ALE and ARQ. They are only new ways to use UHF or HF mediums.

First ALE, automatic link establishment protocol was created to quickly link many warships using a list of preset frequencies. The good right parameters will be selected in accordance with atmospherics conditions and background noises. Speed will also be chosen to ensure a strong connection between the contributor. This method has largely replaced HF predictions charts.

Next ARQ, automatic response requesting protocol taken in charge to transmit as soon as possible all the data to their destination and ensure the integrity of information.

Finally when the network is set up, it can support not only data like Emails or pictures, but also secured voice transmission.

This is the state of the art for a navy task force at sea which want to share tactical data easily.

As you know, we need to perfectly master all kinds of operational data exchange to master the battlefield.

Good luck!

Modifié 1 fois. Dernière modification le 14/11/12 15:29 par JRB.
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