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Description d'un dessin , urgent !
mercredi 26 septembre 2012 15:19:02
Bonjour, j'aurais voulu de l'aide pour me corriger pour aujourd'hui au plus tard. J'ai eu eu une image à décrire, j'aurais voulu que quelq'un puisse me corriger si il y a des erreurs, et si il y aurait d'autres choses a dire sur cette image que j'aurais oublier de rajouter(fichier joind). Merci d'avance pour l'aide.

This document is a colour drawing. The document about the attack of September 11th, 2001 in New York. It praises the intervention a firemans and policemans this day there.

We can see that the draftsman is served different color contrasts. In the background , he used bright colors to highlight the two men and the color of the flag. But he used a low contrast darker. On top in close up wee can see two men, one is a fareman and the other it is a policeman, there are fixed glance. In back them, it perceives the American flag in bright color, which symbolizes the nation they serve.
The center of the drawing, you can see three firefighters one of them holds a child in her arms, and another holds a fire hose to extinguish assuming two policemen. It shows the different actions that achieve these men rescue and help.
In the foreground,you can see buildings in flames and destroyed. Thus a chain of firefighter clear away the rubble.

The aim of the draftsman is to show devotion, the courage of these men. Who are sacrificed to help the victims of the attack. And He wants to emphasize that these men are somehow heroes, and that many of these men are dead. The draftsman wanted to make a tribute to all those men who are giving their lives to be saved others.

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Les ateliers de Papi Jacques Les cours
Mathématiques, cours niveau terminale.
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Sciences de la vie et de la terre, des sujets de bac 1999.
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