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Rédaction : A survey about bird songs
vendredi 9 mars 2012 20:32:07
Re-bonsoir à vous !

Je reviens vers vous pour une seconde.... plus courte !

I also read an article : “The original tweeter” (Steve Comor) in Vocable of January 2011.
The survey was conducted on the functioning of individual cells.
Birds sing and produce a complex variety of notes. The team has reproduced the sounds. The zebra finch is close relative of the Bengalese. Birds learn to sing by cultural transmission, such as humans. In the song, there is a syllable. The bird song differentiates males and females but the male usually produces most melodic songs.
I share the opinion expressed in this article because there have been other surveys done about it and their results are concrete. I’ve chosen this article because I like the topic. It's nice to know about animals life.
I have a Bengalese at home. I know that birds learn to sing, using syllables, just like humans.. I would like to know more about this article.

The act of choosing myself an article in English allowed me to realize that I had some knowledge. I’ve chosen a subject that I like. This article, I immediately liked it and I learn a little bit more in English !

Once again, many thanks in advance !!! :) :)
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Re: Rédaction : A survey about bird songs
samedi 10 mars 2012 22:22:26
Bonsoir bis, ;)

I also read an article : “The original tweeter” (Steve Comor) in Vocable of January 2011.
The survey was conducted on the functioning of individual cells.
Birds sing and produce a complex variety of notes. The team has reproduced the sounds. The zebra finch is close relative of the Bengalese waxbill. Birds learn to sing by cultural transmission, such as humans. In the song, there is a syllable. The bird song differentiates males and females but the male usually produces most melodic songs.
I share the opinion expressed in this article because there have been other surveys done about it and their results are concrete. I’ve chosen this article because I like the topic. It's nice to know about animal life. = la vie animale ou bien animals lives = la vie des animaux..
I have a Bengalese waxbill at home.<Sauf bien sûr si ton compagnon ou mari est originaire du Bengale. I know that birds learn to sing, using syllables, just like humans.. I would like to know more about this article.

The act of Choosing an article in English myself allowed enabled me to realize that I had some knowledge. I’ve chosen a subject that I like. This article, I immediately liked it and I learn a little bit more in English!

Explication sur allow <===> enable. Pour moi qui suis de la vieille école, le premier a surtout le sens d'autoriser alors que le second a plutôt le sens de rendre capable, donner les moyens intellectuels ou physiques.

Modifié 2 fois. Dernière modification le 10/03/12 22:25 par JRB.
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Les ateliers de Papi Jacques Les cours
Mathématiques, cours niveau terminale.
Histoire, cours niveau terminale.
Citations de philosophie.
Sciences de la vie et de la terre, des sujets de bac 1999.
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