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Lettre de motivation en anglais
mercredi 26 octobre 2011 11:06:36
Bonjour , voici une partie de lettre de motivation que je dois restituer d'ici le 8 novembre. Une petite correction me serait de toute aide ...

I am currently working as clerk of work at BAULAND TP ( FRANCE ) from 10 years, after obtained a Master degree at Nantes University in public and marine works , it has always been my intention to work on marine sites . I took knowledge of dredging , blasting , pontoons , bathymetry … But ,what's more important , i learnt how to manage subordinates , and to monitor progress and cost of various projects , always keeping warning eyes on materials , safety , quality and satisfaction of the client . This job gave me self confidence , precious knowledges on marine works , and an international contact network , permitting me to practize currently English . Too , This work experience has familiarised me with many of the challenges involved in modern public relations ,

Today i feel ready to diversify my view field , joining an international well reputated building company bazed in Oman . I would particularly enjoy the chance to work for an oil and gaz company as project manager . These sites offer the chance to work on mettalic structur and water flow prevention . My team works feeling , riguour and organization sense would be relevant for the position . Moreover , as my wife's family is omani , i already know and enjoy the arabic environment . The job you are offering welcome both my personal and professional interests .

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Re: Lettre de motivation en anglais
samedi 5 novembre 2011 18:31:57
Uppp please
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Re: Lettre de motivation en anglais
dimanche 6 novembre 2011 20:28:38

I am have been currently working as clerk of work a foreman at with BAULAND TP ( FRANCE ) from for the last 10 years, after obtained doing a Master’s degree on public and marine works at Nantes the University of Nantes. in public and marine works, Nouvelle phrase> it has always been my intention As I have always wanted to work on marine sites I took acquired a sound knowledge of dredging, blasting, pontoons, bathymetry … But, what is more important, I learnt how to manage subordinates and to monitor progress and cost of various projects, always keeping warning a watchful eye on materials, safety, quality and satisfaction of the client. This job gave me provided myself with self-confidence, a precious knowledge on marine works and an international contact network which permitting enabled me to practize currently put English into current practice. Too, This work experience has also familiarized me myself with many of the challenges involved in modern public relations.

Today I feel ready to diversify my view field sphere of activity, joining an international well reputated reputable building company based in Oman. I would particularly enjoy the chance to work for an oil and gas company as a project manager. These sites offer the chance to work on mettalic metal structur frameworks and water flow prevention flood control. I have My a keen sense of team work feeling, rigour and organization sense I am good at organizing things so I believe I would be relevant for the position. Moreover, as my wife's family is Omani, I already know and enjoy the Arabic environment.
The job you are offering welcome suits both my personal and professional interests.

NB :
- AUCUNE contraction à l'écrit, en particulier dans ce type de lettre.
- Ponctuation : le point et la virgule se collent SANS ESPACE derrière le dernier mot, l'espace se met après. J'ai rectifié partout, mais mémorise-le dorénavant.
- Le pronom sujet ne s'écrit qu'avec le " I " MAJUSCULE, j'ai rectifié également.
- Les adjectifs et noms de nationalités prennent une MAJUSCULE.
- Enfin l'usage d'un bon dictionnaire n'est pas interdit.

Bonne chance pour Oman.

Modifié 3 fois. Dernière modification le 06/11/11 20:33 par JRB.
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Les ateliers de Papi Jacques Les cours
Mathématiques, cours niveau terminale.
Histoire, cours niveau terminale.
Citations de philosophie.
Sciences de la vie et de la terre, des sujets de bac 1999.
Chimie, des sujets de bac 2000.