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traduction texte d' anglais

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traduction texte d' anglais
vendredi 3 décembre 2010 14:13:13
Bonjour j' ai besoin de votre aide pour comprendre ce texte pouvez-vous m' aider je vous en remercie d' avance

There is nowhere to escape the cameras. There is nowhere you can't be seen," says Martin, a 33-year-old air conditioner salesman from Spijkenisse near Rotterdam, reflecting on life under the watchful eyes of Big Brother. Martin was one of the contestants, the hit Dutch TV show in which nine people began a 100-day odyssey confined in a camera-equipped house having their every move and murmur broadcast on television and the Internet. the Big Brother formula has proved such a success that spin-offs are popping up across Europe and in the U.S. Not everybody, however, is amused.

Kurt Beck, premier of Rhineland-Palatinate and head of the broadcasting commission for German states, recently attacked Big Brother, saying it was idiotic and that it "violated the dignity of man." "We don't think that the show violates human rights or human dignity," says rtl ii spokesman Matthias Trenkle. "The show is not violating any law."

For the Dutch producers Big Brother was a commercial bonanza. the final TV episode was the most-watched program in the Netherlands last year. John de Mol, chairman of Endemol Entertainment, the creators of Big Brother, believes he's just giving people what they want. "There is a certain level of voyeurism in every person," he says. "This program fulfills that need."
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Re: traduction texte d' anglais
vendredi 3 décembre 2010 15:22:01

Lis ma réponse sur l'autre forum et ne perds pas de temps en te dispersant ici et là-bas...
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