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traduction de "somewhat"

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traduction de "somewhat"
lundi 24 septembre 2007 09:57:42
Bonjour ? tous,

Que pensez-vous de ceci, SVP?

1) That is somewhat scary.
C'est plut?t effrayant ?

2) I'm not angry, just somewhat annoyed.
Je ne suis pas f?ch?(e), juste un peu ennuy?(e) ?

3) The news was somewhat of a surprise.
Les nouvelles ?taient plut?t surprenantes ?

4) His arguments were somewhat self-contradictory.
Ses arguments ?taient quelque peu contradictoires ?

Je vous remercie de votre aide.
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Re: traduction de "somewhat"
mardi 25 septembre 2007 11:12:05
Tout me semble excellent ! :)

Si on veut chercher la petite b?te, je dirais que les "?" sont inutiles. ;o)
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Utilisateur anonyme
Re: traduction de "somewhat"
mardi 25 septembre 2007 11:18:19
Merci Papy84. Je vous souhaite une bonne journ?e.
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Re: traduction de "somewhat"
mardi 25 septembre 2007 20:55:41
Correction :

3) The news was somewhat of a surprise.
<Les nouvelles ?taient> La nouvelle ?tait/fut plut?t surprenante<s>.

"news" est un singulier, comme le prouve "was" qui suit.

@+ :)
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Utilisateur anonyme
Re: traduction de "somewhat"
mercredi 26 septembre 2007 07:01:43
Bonjour Papy84,

Mais ne traduirait-on pas ?galement "the news" par "les nouvelles" tout en gardant le verbe au singulier en anglais?

A+ :)
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Re: traduction de "somewhat"
mercredi 26 septembre 2007 10:12:45
Non. Voici ce qu'en dit le dictionnaire :

1 news
News is information about a recently changed situation or a recent event.
We waited and waited for news of him.
They still haven't had any news about when they'll be able to go home.
I wish I had better news for you.
He's thrilled to bits at the news.
N-UNCOUNT: oft N prep

2 news
News is information that is published in newspapers and broadcast on radio and television about recent events in the country or world or in a particular area of activity.
Foreign News is on Page 16.
We'll also have the latest sports news.
The announcement was made at a news conference.
Those are some of the top stories in the news.
N-UNCOUNT: also the N

3 news
The news is a television or radio broadcast which consists of information about recent events in the country or the world.
I heard all about the bombs on the news.
...the six o'clock news.
N-SING: the N

4 news
News is sometimes used in the names of newspapers.
...the New York Daily News.

5 news
If you say that someone or something is news, you mean that they are considered to be interesting and important at the moment, and that people want to hear about them on the radio and television and in newspapers. (INFORMAL)
A murder was big news.
If you are a celebrity, you are headline news.
N-UNCOUNT: usu supp N

6 news
If you say that something is bad news, you mean that it will cause you trouble or problems. If you say that something is good news, you mean that it will be useful or helpful to you.
The drop in travel is bad news for the airline industry.
This new attitude is good news to AIDS activists.
PHR: usu v-link PHR, usu PHR for/to n

7 news
If you say that something is news to you, you mean that you did not previously know what you have just been told, especially when you are surprised or annoyed about it.
I'd certainly tell you if I knew anything, but I don't. What you're saying is news to me.
PHR: V inflects, PHR n

(c) HarperCollins Publishers.

@+ :)
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Utilisateur anonyme
Re: traduction de "somewhat"
mercredi 26 septembre 2007 21:50:13
We waited and waited for news of him. =
Nous avons attendu d'avoir / esp?r? avoir de SES NOUVELLES --> faux ?
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Re: traduction de "somewhat"
vendredi 28 septembre 2007 22:22:53
Bonjour Hela,
Navr? de contredire papy84, mais "news", bien qu'il s'accorde toujours au singulier en Anglais, se traduit bien souvent par un pluriel ... puisqu'en Anglais, c'est de l'ind?nombrable. On ne peut d'ailleurs pas dire "a news".
"Les nouvelles sont bonnes" => "The news is good".
Si on veut sp?cifier qu'il s'agit d'une nouvelle et une seule, on dira "a piece of news", ou "an item of news".
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Utilisateur anonyme
Re: traduction de "somewhat"
dimanche 30 septembre 2007 21:36:28
Merci Jeremy pour ton soutien :)
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Re: traduction de "somewhat"
dimanche 14 octobre 2007 09:45:45
J'ai d? mal m'exprimer !

Here's the news : Voici LES nouvelles. :)
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Utilisateur anonyme
Re: traduction de "somewhat"
mercredi 17 octobre 2007 18:16:31
Je vous remercie, Papy84, de votre d?vouement ? mon ?gard :)
A bient?t pour d'autres traductions.
Bonne soir
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